October 2000 Meeting: Portland, ME
Gradation Evaluation - G. Huber
Superpave for Local Government and Commercial Applications - L. Michael
Update on NCHRP Research - E. Harrigan
Pacific Coast Conference on Asphalt Specification
Superpave System: Where does the future take us? - S. Cooper
A Review of Regional Superpave Validation Activities - D. Anderson
Updated on The Development of Simple Performance Tester and the Impact of AASHTO "Pavement Design 2002" - R. Bonaquist
NAPA "Best Practices" Guide for Mixing and Placing Superpave - B. Pecht
Performance Graded Binders - NYSDOT Experience - G. Frederick
The following are the additional papers or updates presented at the NEAUPG meeting on February 14th in Washington, D.C.
QA Specifications for Binders: An Update - D. Anderson
The Superpave System: Filling the Gaps - J. D'Angelo
A Review of Regional Superpave Validation Research Activities - D. Anderson